Only read a chapter of my novel, "Mercy".
Put it aside, washed my uniform and dry it before the dark clouds come.
Played with my rabbits for a little.
Switched on my com, turned it off after awhile (bo... ring....)
And this is what I do everyday, work or no work....
Was asking myself, what can I do today that will be different from yesterday? Da Dee Du... 2 days ago, I was sorting my clothes out, old/ torn/ simply couldn't fit 'ahem'/ out of fashion. Any of my clothes that fall into this category, means BEPPP~ - out! So I decided to make something out from my old, torn, super faded jeans. (Not exactly mine though, and it wasn't my choice to accidentally tear it... moreover, at the wrong spot... )
No idea what to make out of it... Bag? nah... Bikini? haha... Scrunchy? probably...
Being alone at home gave me the extra courage to snap my jeans. Gahaha...
Having fun cutting it, without even planning what to make. Snap ... Snap... Snap...
Chalk bag! Yeah... The chalk bags sold at the Proshop, after discount is around RM 17. And RM 17 is for those really plain white ones...Way too pricey!!! So yeap decided to make one... Have a rough sketch in the air, then continued with my project. My jeans will be the exterior out my chalk bag, and I removed the interior of my old bag to be the interior of my soon-to-be chalk bag, as it is PVC. Get its rough diameter, drew 2 circles on a cardboard, using it as the base later.
Here comes the challenge- sewing!
Last time I sewed was in high school, Form two, couldn't really recall...
I sewed the base and its interior for almost 2 hours.. man... Without my mother's help, I think I'll be sewing til midnight.
It looks quite cool actually... will post a picture up soon... so whoever is interested can start snappin' your pants and get a chalk bag! But of course, use the cheapest materials...

I'm considering to put this on Ebay. What do you think?!?!