How to Make a Jewellery Box (Project Iewnihc 2b)

Project Iewnihc 1 was ripping off my old jeans and stitch myself a chalkbag:

Project Iewnihc 2a, was getting rid of my old clothes and unused belongings which have been faithfully collecting dust for me, haha. Rearranging my closet took donkey years, arranged into like colours, which I found I’ve quite a wide range of colours. From the common blacks and whites, to pink, red, yellow, orange, brown and to the cooler purple blue and green. But usually I stick with my tees… man… I’m dull I know! From the outside only… hehe
So what’s 2b?
Before that, are you wondering my am I so free these days?! Having my sem break of course! And decided not to work anymore… Just realised from Form 5 till last semester, I haven’t stopped working or studying. So it’s time to lay back and relax!!! wooo hooo!
Back to 2b! I have boxes of jewelleries. And it seems like it will keep piling up unless until I arrange them properly, plus each time when I look for the one that I want to put on, I have to go through those boxes, if I’m lucky I’ll find it on my first go. hehe.
I chose the coolest box I have. In fact it is a box for moon cakes!
imageDismantled the partitions.
Nailed the interior.
Any idea what is this tumbuk tumbuk thing called?
Couldn’t recall… lol. Anyway, I couldn’t find my hammer to HAM the nails… So my mom suggested this. haha. Really ancient way to nail things, I know!
“Hi! I’m from Zaman Batu!!!”
Prior to spraying I sealed the part that I would want to have a different colour.
Make sure it is well sealed!
Placed cello tape on the head of the nail. To keep the face clear of colour, so the glistening effect of the nail would stay. Trust me, it’s tedious, but you won’t regret!
This is it!!! I wanted to choose red at first! But I think it’s too hot for me, haha.
Chose lilac instead!
Let it dry under the hot sun. =]
Ta Dahhhh!! My masterpiece.
I had wave profiles painted on some parts.
Shiny nails.
Now time to place my jewelleries :::::
What do you think?! I’m lovin’ it~
I need to find another nice box though, to fit the others.

Anyway, have a great moon cake festival this Saturday!
Happy reusing your moon cake boxes!!!

Chicken Rice

Bought chicken rice for my dad, and I saw this little cutie who kept her eyes on the chicken.

image “I say gimme that piece of meat RIGHT now, roar~ Oops I meant meooow~”

Fallen Warrior- Part 2 =]

hohohoho~ time for some updates.

From my last post, I was admitted into the hospital the following week. Gone through CT scan with all those hi-tech machines. What I learnt in class was they will place you into a dark hollow tube, which is a complete threat to those who are claustrophobic. But this is different, it’s just a ring which will emit the ray, and the room is brightly lit.

But before you scan, you must first receive a contrast injection through the IV, which will be “pierced” into your arm. They couldn’t find my blood vessels, and had two failed insertion. Was doing my best to stay cool, haha~ When the radiologist asked me: Are you scared? Trust me I really felt like whacking his head off, yet still managed to answer him politely.

Anyway, report shows that there are a chain of swollen lymph nodes at my left neck and one at my right. And one of them swell more than a normal average swollen lymph can get. But before deciding on what to do with it, was on drip and antibiotics straight through the IV.


One of the bruises due to failed insertion. LOL. I have 5 of them…


Saw the red patch right below the pink cap? Accidentally stretched my hand, forgotten about the IV, skin tore a little.

Oh, and when there is air bubble in it, you can actually feel it.


I was in a double- bedded room, stayed there 3 days 2 nights. And I had three different roommates. Compared to them, I think mine is just a small case haha. And still I stayed on the longest…


Automatic pump for my drip


One bag is 500 ml.


N for Nannies!

They are just a button away.

Quite professional some of them, at least they placed a big smile on their faces when the doctors are with them.

All I did there is, eat (really scrumptious food!!!), sleep, watch movies. Left happily on the third day! Was given another two courses of oral antibiotic.

Had a great Korean lunch at D’ Strand.

image image

Baby Oct =] Kim chi soup

image Steam egg

image Awesome Awesome! Definitely going back there again, quite cheap! =]