Happy 2010!

Will be off to Singapore in about 8 hours time. Weeee... Can't wait.

It's more of a get together with friends and families there. And of course, makan minum too!

So yeah! Since I'll be spending my New Year celebrations there, I'm now writing wishing all my readers (yeah... YOU!), and your family a wonderful 2010, have a great year ahead and bring out the Tiger in you! =]

Bid farewell to 2009, embrace all your awesome memories and move on to the next year!

All right, got to get some beauty sleep now.

Shall start blogging after 2nd Jan. Nights!

Tschao! Auf wiedesehen =]

The Treasure Hunter 刺陵

Watched it last night. Starring Jay Chou, Lin Chilin, Chen Daoming & Eric Tsang.

Brief synopsis:
In the northwest desert where countless prosperous dynasties have flourish and fallen, there is rumour of a buried treasure of unbelievable riches. A group of mysterious guardians have kept the map to the location of the treasure safe, until a fierce rivalry erupts. A notorious international crime group, The Company hunt down the map keepers and before they manage to secure it, the keeper passes the map to a young chivalrous man Ciao Fei (Jay Chou). Ciao Fei is forced to give up the map to save the live of his mentor's daughter Lan Ting (Lin Chi Ling). Teaming up with Hua Ding Bang (a famous archaeologist) and Lan Ting they embark on a dangerous journey to recover the map and fight to protect the ancient treasure.

What I think about it after watching a.k.a. review:
Story line is rather plain. They could have added in more"sparks" between Chilin and Jay. Give more explanations on the mysteries. This movie gave the same impression when I first watch Twilight, it's like the actors could have done more, like there's something missing... But this movie is definitely better than Twilight!

Should I (you) watch?
Unless you have no other movie to watch in the cinemas any more, why not?! haha

Old granny stole my MNG

Old Granny enjoys...
Today's my rest day! So as usual I "work" with my laptop at the dining area, until I heard some noise...

At first I thought my brother is back from his randomly planned Penang trip, so I just let it be. Then I remembered him saying he would be back only tomorrow. (Anyway, who would be back home early from a vacation?! Doesn't make sense right?) Being the investigative me (hehe), I tip-toed to the living room and start seeing whether there's anyone at my front door, then the gate, then my rabbit (just to check whether he's still in his cage, he's getting smarter each and everyday), then to my Big-O-Mango tree.

Here's a little history of my Big-O-Mango tree:

  • It's a favourite spot for people of different races, and definitely attracts anyone about any age. Even those pregnant ladies rang the door bell asking for unripe mango, says it's good for their pregnancies. 
  • It's not only climbed by me and my cousins. (get what I mean?)
  • It contributes some furniture to my Barbies (hehe... those good ol' days)
  • It sometimes like to snatch the children's kites.
  • It's a perfect shelter from the sun to my rabbit, sometimes those nenek (after walking from who knows where)
  • Inhabited by squirrels and yellow birdies.
  • Contributes some of its twigs to Greeny (iguana we used to rare)
  • It's fruits are sweet, if it's unripe we make colek (something like rojak) with it.
  • Our family get to drink freshly blended mango 芒果西米露 once a while.

So yeah, back to the main topic, I saw this orange T shirt nenek (means granny in Malay), wearing her sarung, greyish hair, holding a pipe with a twig shaped like a fork in it. Her first attempt to get the mango failed, so she fixed her self-made tool by searching thru my neighbour's bin. 

There were lots of vehicles passing by at that time, so she changed her strategy a little, went to my another neighbour's bin and slowly search thru it, to see if there are any loots.

And there you go... back in action again. Start fixing her prototype. Eventually she sat on the road, as there were lots of motorbikes and people walking pass again. 
No one thought that it's suspicious, come on! An old nenek, what can she do? Brew your rabbit?!

Finally, coast is clear... 
I think she's like: Yay, hari ini ada buah makeh... (yay, there's fruits to eat today)
And I'm like: No wonder we have so little mangoes this time round, she has been frequenting our Big-O-Mango tree.

"Victory pose"- a little like Mulan, don't you think?

Nenek happily walking away with her loots.

(p/s: sorry for the blur pics, camera can't support such a crime, nono I mean my phone camera sucks... yea yea)

You may ask why I did not stop her. Well, if she's younger, I would definitely go out there and stop her. And I think I might have tears in my eye, if I were in her shoes. So nenek, buat masa ini... you menang! 

I would like to present her with an Oscar award!!! She's really good at it, knowing her looks and actions will not let anyone  be suspicious about.

One thing she will never know is that I've captured pictures on her, and she's on the internet! =D

Animal-Test Free Products

Ever thought of the cosmetics, body care products, health supplements that you use every single day, may have sacrificed plenty of poor souls?!

Please be aware of it now, and help to stop this animal cruelty!
Use this site http://search.caringconsumer.com/ to check whether the products you use are threatening the poor souls out there...
Please pass this message on to others! Awareness on Animal Cruelty is Crucial!!!

My Favourite 10 Bangsar Properties

In terms of awesome fine-dining, unbelievable night life, amazing shopping sites... Bangsar has it all!

Living there could be like living in heaven, as anything and everything can be done there!

I've made a list of Bangsar properties which, who knows, I might live in one day! =D

  1. The Ara
  2. Zehn Bukit Pantai
  3. Bangsar Peak
  4. Araville
  5. One Menerung
  6. The Loft
  7. Sri Penaga
  8. Bukit Bandaraya
  9. Contessa
  10. Palmyra

Check it out! Who knows one of them could be your dreamland too!  ;P

There's more at Propwall.

Avatar (2009)

Watched Avatar yesterday. I regretted not watching it in 3D. There's so much to learn from this movie. Here's why:

It's like the Homo sapiens used their superb Science & Technology to turn themselves into one of the living things in Pandora(another world). Main purpose is to obtain the priceless mineral for themselves. As usual, a little romance is in, a little conflict with their own species too(for this movies, it occurs in both species).

Life in Pandora is so much more carefree. The Na'vi's (those Pandorias) style of living is so much the same as how we humans live centuries ago. They are about twice the height of a human being, blue in colour, have a tail which can connect to any living things. You know, like neurons and their synapses, pretty cool!

There's one part I like most, where the featured Na'vi actress, Neytiri, mentioned about we borrowed energies from the earth, and one day all of us have to return it back to earth. It's like nothing is permanent, one day it might be gone.

I think Jake Sully (the guy in the Avatar, you'll know when you watch =]) has a really strategic plan too. He has no right to speak up in front of the Na'vis, due to some occurrence, thus he went to "connect" with Toruk, a well respected phoenix-dragon-dinosaur-like flying creature. And with immediate effect, the Na'vis start bowing down to him and he led them into war with the humans. Isn't it true, without having power, without sufficient capabilities & knowledge, without significant results, no one would even listen to you, even if you do it every single day.

I think the producer wants us to start appreciating the greens around us too!
There are so much difference in both world...

Anyway, what are you guys waiting for? Go grab a ticket and start watching!

Here's the trailer:


How I wish everything is transparent...
Nothing to hide about...
No secrets...

Yet that's always the other way round right?!
For the betterment of life I guess~

A Soul to Soul Connection

I always think all souls could connect without verbal communication, as actions say it all.

It's like when I look into my rabbit eyes, he knows it's time for him to return into the cage, thus hop in happily.

This true story about this man called Jeff and the bald eagle, Freedom, proves that all these connections do occur. Please take your time reading it!

Definitely a good read! I promise! =]

Here's the link

Here's an excerpt:

.... When he took Freedom out of her flight, she did something she had never done before: She extended her wings and wrapped them around him.
The circle of healing was now complete.

Tortoise the Climber

There are many occurrence in life that can inspire us...
This is what inspired me after visiting the pet shop with my friends:
Standing tall. Full of glory.
The way this chain of pictures show is as if this tortoise did it in one go.
But he did it several times just to get to top.
He did not choose this path just to show how macho he is mind you. LOL.
From the second picture shown above, at the bottom left there’s a bridge to walk up, unfortunately it has been blocked by a “stack” of tortoise.
You go TORTOISE!!!

To all the readers: Come on! Bring out the tortoise in you!!! hehe


Things always turn out to be pretty ironic...

Sometimes we tend to worry too much of the future,
Whether we can earn a living by our own,
Restructure an even better life for our next generation,
So if apocalypse does happens,
Wouldn't our hopes be crushed?

If we keep working hard for tomorrow,
Yet one day realizes,
Tomorrow will not come anymore,
What happens next?

But hey,
What if all these don't occur?
What happens to our future then...

People always say enjoy today like there's no tomorrow,
For sure a fair amount of work has to be done,
So that when tomorrow comes,
At least nothing screws up.

Right here,
A question surfaces,
What does the future holds?

Review on Property Website: PropWall

Finding a website to purchase/ rent/ sell properties? I find PropWall, a Malaysian luxury property resources website, to be just an adequate website to do so!

The home page is neat, strategically arranged in boxes, where as a viewer, I don’t go bonkers screening through the right place to click, unlike other property websites that have loads of advertisements and information all in a page.

PropWall gives the purchasers a clear view of the properties. Just like the other property websites (i.e. thinkproperty.my), it provides information like property details, layouts, facilities etc. One part that I personally think is cool would be the analysis part, where they touch on the pros and cons of the particular property. This definitely helps in choosing your "right" property, as the information of the particular property’s area are given, they let you know the risk of buying it, and it is totally up to you to make the choice.

One thing PropWall should add on is the floor plan of the property. Then it would definitely be a complete property website!!! 

How to Make a Jewellery Box (Project Iewnihc 2b)

Project Iewnihc 1 was ripping off my old jeans and stitch myself a chalkbag:

Project Iewnihc 2a, was getting rid of my old clothes and unused belongings which have been faithfully collecting dust for me, haha. Rearranging my closet took donkey years, arranged into like colours, which I found I’ve quite a wide range of colours. From the common blacks and whites, to pink, red, yellow, orange, brown and to the cooler purple blue and green. But usually I stick with my tees… man… I’m dull I know! From the outside only… hehe
So what’s 2b?
Before that, are you wondering my am I so free these days?! Having my sem break of course! And decided not to work anymore… Just realised from Form 5 till last semester, I haven’t stopped working or studying. So it’s time to lay back and relax!!! wooo hooo!
Back to 2b! I have boxes of jewelleries. And it seems like it will keep piling up unless until I arrange them properly, plus each time when I look for the one that I want to put on, I have to go through those boxes, if I’m lucky I’ll find it on my first go. hehe.
I chose the coolest box I have. In fact it is a box for moon cakes!
imageDismantled the partitions.
Nailed the interior.
Any idea what is this tumbuk tumbuk thing called?
Couldn’t recall… lol. Anyway, I couldn’t find my hammer to HAM the nails… So my mom suggested this. haha. Really ancient way to nail things, I know!
“Hi! I’m from Zaman Batu!!!”
Prior to spraying I sealed the part that I would want to have a different colour.
Make sure it is well sealed!
Placed cello tape on the head of the nail. To keep the face clear of colour, so the glistening effect of the nail would stay. Trust me, it’s tedious, but you won’t regret!
This is it!!! I wanted to choose red at first! But I think it’s too hot for me, haha.
Chose lilac instead!
Let it dry under the hot sun. =]
Ta Dahhhh!! My masterpiece.
I had wave profiles painted on some parts.
Shiny nails.
Now time to place my jewelleries :::::
What do you think?! I’m lovin’ it~
I need to find another nice box though, to fit the others.

Anyway, have a great moon cake festival this Saturday!
Happy reusing your moon cake boxes!!!

Chicken Rice

Bought chicken rice for my dad, and I saw this little cutie who kept her eyes on the chicken.

image “I say gimme that piece of meat RIGHT now, roar~ Oops I meant meooow~”

Fallen Warrior- Part 2 =]

hohohoho~ time for some updates.

From my last post, I was admitted into the hospital the following week. Gone through CT scan with all those hi-tech machines. What I learnt in class was they will place you into a dark hollow tube, which is a complete threat to those who are claustrophobic. But this is different, it’s just a ring which will emit the ray, and the room is brightly lit.

But before you scan, you must first receive a contrast injection through the IV, which will be “pierced” into your arm. They couldn’t find my blood vessels, and had two failed insertion. Was doing my best to stay cool, haha~ When the radiologist asked me: Are you scared? Trust me I really felt like whacking his head off, yet still managed to answer him politely.

Anyway, report shows that there are a chain of swollen lymph nodes at my left neck and one at my right. And one of them swell more than a normal average swollen lymph can get. But before deciding on what to do with it, was on drip and antibiotics straight through the IV.


One of the bruises due to failed insertion. LOL. I have 5 of them…


Saw the red patch right below the pink cap? Accidentally stretched my hand, forgotten about the IV, skin tore a little.

Oh, and when there is air bubble in it, you can actually feel it.


I was in a double- bedded room, stayed there 3 days 2 nights. And I had three different roommates. Compared to them, I think mine is just a small case haha. And still I stayed on the longest…


Automatic pump for my drip


One bag is 500 ml.


N for Nannies!

They are just a button away.

Quite professional some of them, at least they placed a big smile on their faces when the doctors are with them.

All I did there is, eat (really scrumptious food!!!), sleep, watch movies. Left happily on the third day! Was given another two courses of oral antibiotic.

Had a great Korean lunch at D’ Strand.

image image

Baby Oct =] Kim chi soup

image Steam egg

image Awesome Awesome! Definitely going back there again, quite cheap! =]

The Warrior has fallen…

Finally had time to blog! Woooooo Hooooooo!!!! And that’s merely because I’m not feeling well. Gosh…

No signs of H1N1, except probably just the fever… Got it last month, was assured by the doctor near my Uni that it’s fine, that my swollen lymph node will heal by itself, provided no vigorous activities. Well, with this my body needs rest more than before, muscles ache, sleepiness etc. So yeah, did not do any sports for two weeks, swell subsided, but there’s this prominent one at the lower part of my neck.

Decided to check with my own doctor again end of this month, after all my tests. Who knows?! It started to swell again… Couldn’t stand it no more, went to the doc on Monday. The way the doctor reacted is like my life is up. Normally she’s the chatty one and what I always describe loud people- the noisy type. That day she just said what she need to do, blood test to check my white and red blood cells, and that’s all. Was all silence, and the whole process was rather like the movies, haha when all is coming to an end and everything goes slow motion. Couldn’t find my blood vessels, poked twice, arm was slapped a gazillion times, then only she decided to force my blood out using a syringe.

Went back the second day to collect my report after she called and happily said: Your report is all right! And the usual her is back. Said it could  be any sickness/ cancer, but since my blood test is fine, then all these are ruled out. Might be just a normal viral infection. Right now, I’m on an observation period. Consuming antibiotics (according to the dispenser I’ll be sensitive to the sunlight after consumption…) for a week, no “huge” movements for a week and go for another check up next week.

All I can do now, is eat and sleep, eat and sleep… like a panda.


Auto Cadd & Technical Dwg *hearts*

Auto Cadd

Technical Dwg

It’s A Monkey Business

Having slight flu and sore throat for the passed few days. Glad that I finally recovered just in 3 days time. Anyway, when I mentioned monkey business, it really has got to do with monkey! Real… Live… Monkeys!!!

Happened when I was on my way to my campus, you know… universities… they love to have big big trees along the streets, in between two buildings etc. Saw a monkey wanting to approach the lady in front of me, but when she stared at it, he quickly hid at the back of the big pile of dry leaves, guess he thought no one could see him from there.

Then it was my turn to walk pass him, at that time I was busy reading and replying sms-es, in my heart I told the monkey: Don’t you dare touch me! So yeah, he did not, and I happily walked away from him.

Yet all of a sudden… there’s monkey #2!!! No idea where he popped out from. Without me noticing, he pulled my pants lightly twice, and gave me his innocent look. Something similar as the picture below:image

Well all animals are cute, I love animals, but they should know I get shock easily too! I gave a sharp yelp. For a second, I thought I sounded like Ee Ee, my long lost dog. The monkey stunned for a bit, and quickly hid behind the pile of dry leaves with his friend. Other students who were walking as well, did not take a glance whether I’m all right, they looked at the monkey instead, as if the yelp came from the monkey.

*Sorry monkey, I know we are related genetically… Yet you must know that scaring you wasn’t my intention at all…*

A Not So Silent Vow

After having three doctors saying that I’m easily stress. And my body can’t consume it anymore than my mind can… So I silently vow to myself to at least sleep before 12am regardless of what it is to be done for the following day!!!

Cheers! For a healthy lifestyle!

Re: Air France Flight 447

Sorry guys... apparently the email was a hoax. GG... kena con!

Guess where's the source from....

The English series- LOST.
To those who watched it, did you notice the lady sitting right in front at your left hand side? It's Evangeline Lilly as Kate Austen, and she had her cuffs on!

Sorry fellow readers....

Air France Flight 447

Hey people, I'm gonna redirect you guys to this site http://budurl.com/pefy.
So that you guys do not get the wrong information.
Apparently I've posted up 2 posts on Air France 447.
One of them is this, and the other claiming that it's a hoax. (Just to clarify =])

Read this forwarded email early in the morning… Although none of my family members are in it, it’s still heart wrenching for me, and my heart literally stop beating for a second.

The world saw the disappearance of an A330 Air France during a trans Atlantic flight between Rio to Paris. Two shots taken inside the plane before it crashed. Unbelievable! Photos taken inside the GOL B 737 aircraft that was involved in a mid air collision and crashed.....
A B737 had a mid air collision with the Embraer Legacy while cruising at 35,000 feet over South America. The Embraer Legacy, though seriously damaged with the winglet ripped off, managed to make a landing at a nearby airstrip in the midst of the Amazon jungle. The crew and passengers of the Embraer Legacy had no idea what they had hit. The B737
however crashed, killing all crew and passengers on board.
The two photos attached were apparently taken by one of the passengers in the B737, just after the collision and before the aircraft crashed. The photos were retrieved from the camera's memory stick. You will never get to see photos like this. In the first photo, there is a gaping hole in the fuselage through which you can see the tailplane and vertical fin of the aircraft. In the second photo, one of the passengers is being sucked out of the gaping hole.



These photos were found in a digital Casio Z750, amidst the remains in Serra do Cachimbo. Although the camera was destroyed, the Memory Stick was recovered. Investigating the serial number of the camera, the owner was identified as Paulo G. Muller, an actor of a theatre for children known in the outskirts of Porto Alegre. It can be imagined that he was standing during the impact with the Embraer Legacy and during the turbulence, he managed to take these photos, just seconds after the tail loss the aircraft plunged. So the camera was found near the cockpit. The structural stress probably ripped the engines away, diminishing the falling speed, protecting the electronic equipment but not unfortunately the victims. Paulo Muller leaves behind two daughters, Bruna and Beatriz.

This is no action movie. Not planned. It’s real people!!! Just be more appreciative of your life, ‘cause you wouldn’t know what’s next up in line.

Garbage Enzyme 酵素

Thanks for giving feedbacks, I've now improvised this post to a slideshow. To stop the slides from moving on, so that you can have a good read, just place the cursor on top of the particular slide.

Most of you also keen on knowing about fruit enzyme. Searched through the web for steps to make it and I found this site is awesome! To those who wants to know more on the process, you can check out this site.

I would like to have everyone’s attention on this post. So once you have read it, and you think it is beneficial to all living person, please please forward my link and pass it on to your friends and family, so that everyone can play a part in reducing ( or maybe slowing down) global warming.

It definitely clears all doubts on the long heard garbage enzyme…

Steps on making a garbage enzyme:

1. Pour 10 ratio of water into the container.

2. Weigh the brown sugar.

3. Pour the brown sugar into the container. Stir and mix them well.

4. Weigh the kitchen waste. Add them in. Stir and mix well.

5. Close the cap and jot down the date the mission begins.

6. Fermentation process will take 3 months.

7. At the end of fermentation, filter it to remove residue. At last, the enzyme is ready for use. Residue can do its part as a fertilizer.

To all cleaning products.

Usage of enzyme for:

- Fertilizer 1:100/ 500/ 1000

- Insecticide 1:1000

- Pesticide 1:100

- Anti odour/ air freshener – Dilute 200x

- Plant growth hormone – Dilute 500x

Hope now you have a clear view of the meaning behind garbage enzyme.

Have fun making it!!! =]

Let us all be Captain Planet!!!