Auto Cadd & Technical Dwg *hearts*

Auto Cadd

Technical Dwg

It’s A Monkey Business

Having slight flu and sore throat for the passed few days. Glad that I finally recovered just in 3 days time. Anyway, when I mentioned monkey business, it really has got to do with monkey! Real… Live… Monkeys!!!

Happened when I was on my way to my campus, you know… universities… they love to have big big trees along the streets, in between two buildings etc. Saw a monkey wanting to approach the lady in front of me, but when she stared at it, he quickly hid at the back of the big pile of dry leaves, guess he thought no one could see him from there.

Then it was my turn to walk pass him, at that time I was busy reading and replying sms-es, in my heart I told the monkey: Don’t you dare touch me! So yeah, he did not, and I happily walked away from him.

Yet all of a sudden… there’s monkey #2!!! No idea where he popped out from. Without me noticing, he pulled my pants lightly twice, and gave me his innocent look. Something similar as the picture below:image

Well all animals are cute, I love animals, but they should know I get shock easily too! I gave a sharp yelp. For a second, I thought I sounded like Ee Ee, my long lost dog. The monkey stunned for a bit, and quickly hid behind the pile of dry leaves with his friend. Other students who were walking as well, did not take a glance whether I’m all right, they looked at the monkey instead, as if the yelp came from the monkey.

*Sorry monkey, I know we are related genetically… Yet you must know that scaring you wasn’t my intention at all…*