Old granny stole my MNG

Old Granny enjoys...
Today's my rest day! So as usual I "work" with my laptop at the dining area, until I heard some noise...

At first I thought my brother is back from his randomly planned Penang trip, so I just let it be. Then I remembered him saying he would be back only tomorrow. (Anyway, who would be back home early from a vacation?! Doesn't make sense right?) Being the investigative me (hehe), I tip-toed to the living room and start seeing whether there's anyone at my front door, then the gate, then my rabbit (just to check whether he's still in his cage, he's getting smarter each and everyday), then to my Big-O-Mango tree.

Here's a little history of my Big-O-Mango tree:

  • It's a favourite spot for people of different races, and definitely attracts anyone about any age. Even those pregnant ladies rang the door bell asking for unripe mango, says it's good for their pregnancies. 
  • It's not only climbed by me and my cousins. (get what I mean?)
  • It contributes some furniture to my Barbies (hehe... those good ol' days)
  • It sometimes like to snatch the children's kites.
  • It's a perfect shelter from the sun to my rabbit, sometimes those nenek (after walking from who knows where)
  • Inhabited by squirrels and yellow birdies.
  • Contributes some of its twigs to Greeny (iguana we used to rare)
  • It's fruits are sweet, if it's unripe we make colek (something like rojak) with it.
  • Our family get to drink freshly blended mango 芒果西米露 once a while.

So yeah, back to the main topic, I saw this orange T shirt nenek (means granny in Malay), wearing her sarung, greyish hair, holding a pipe with a twig shaped like a fork in it. Her first attempt to get the mango failed, so she fixed her self-made tool by searching thru my neighbour's bin. 

There were lots of vehicles passing by at that time, so she changed her strategy a little, went to my another neighbour's bin and slowly search thru it, to see if there are any loots.

And there you go... back in action again. Start fixing her prototype. Eventually she sat on the road, as there were lots of motorbikes and people walking pass again. 
No one thought that it's suspicious, come on! An old nenek, what can she do? Brew your rabbit?!

Finally, coast is clear... 
I think she's like: Yay, hari ini ada buah makeh... (yay, there's fruits to eat today)
And I'm like: No wonder we have so little mangoes this time round, she has been frequenting our Big-O-Mango tree.

"Victory pose"- a little like Mulan, don't you think?

Nenek happily walking away with her loots.

(p/s: sorry for the blur pics, camera can't support such a crime, nono I mean my phone camera sucks... yea yea)

You may ask why I did not stop her. Well, if she's younger, I would definitely go out there and stop her. And I think I might have tears in my eye, if I were in her shoes. So nenek, buat masa ini... you menang! 

I would like to present her with an Oscar award!!! She's really good at it, knowing her looks and actions will not let anyone  be suspicious about.

One thing she will never know is that I've captured pictures on her, and she's on the internet! =D


Herh said...

if me, i will help the nenek to pick the mango...真的对老人没辙。

Gary said...

That's the problem with you chin wei, you're too nice. If it was me, I'll wait for her to grab the mango and ran out to scold her nicely to embarrass her in public. Start lying to everyone that this is the 7th time you caught her and start expediting her way to the after world. Ok ! I'm just a grumpy person right now. I don't have food in my fridge and it's snowing heavily outside. I'm not that mean actually.

iewnihc said...

Herh: nah I won't help no matter what... it's like agreeing/ supporting her for stealing.

Gary: lol I dont think I'll have the guts to do it.
You've got a white Xmas Gary!!! =D

martin said...

i will do like wat gary said he would do!! and chin wei!! ur camera pic make me headache wei! PENING!! i cant see anything!! anyway.. HELLO! =p

iewnihc said...

erm Martin, you can do anything but not support Gary. Heed my words! =P

yunzsy™ said...

Lol. You know it's cool to see you have updates d. :D haha. After like so darn long. Wee.. enjoy reading. But yea. I agree weh. Those pics are like.... @.@

iewnihc said...

lol... my dears, I've alr excused myself from the bad quality pics.. wht else do u want me to do?!?!

yunzsy™ said...

Ahhaha. Poor Chin Wei. :D

Anonymous said...

I do not trust you

Anonymous said...

It is extremely interesting for me to read that blog. Thank you for it. I like such topics and everything connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.

iewnihc said...

Thanks Anonymous 2 for commenting. Do you mind putting your name the next round =]