I don’t smoke… Do you?

Living in this world for 2 decades now, I still couldn’t figure out why people smokes cigarette, and if they actually smoke, so what?!

I have been observing, questioning,analysing, deducing from the habits of smokers around me. Some of them kept it as a secret, not allowing themselves to reveal their “dirty little secret” to me, and of course I knew it and just wanting to test how long could they act angelic in front of me. By keeping it unknown may be due to they are aware of the negative effects, want to avoid from embarrassing themselves, still could not belief that they are a smoker themselves etc. Yet they kept telling their mind that: I will stop, but not just yet.

Some of my friends told me they want to stop smoking due to some effects they are feeling, sorry for my English, but bloody hell… yeah right… It’s like telling a small kid: “ When you are all grown up, I’ll get you a house the size of the golf range.” I agree it’s a good, positive thought, but without taking action and set a powerful mindset to stop it, this thought is clearly not going anywhere, does it?

Most of them got into smoking due to peer pressures, then they just could not get off the hook, until something nasty happens like heart attack( which is the number one killer to smokers), then they start being remorseful, which is pretty much too late, as a coffin filled with cigarettes is waiting to house them.

It is easy to distinguish a smoker from a non smoker. Their attention span is much shorter than the majority when they are in an environment that they are not allowed to smoke as they pleased. Having bloodshot eyes when they just got up from bed.

Click on this site for specific impact, from head to toe, from smoking:


Life is short my friends, you only live life once, so why not choose to live healthy?!

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