Trip to the skybridge

As a Malaysian, I sense a big responsibility for me to at least visit the skybridge at the Petronas Twin Towers. So again my mum and I went (dad is always busy with his work). We walked from KL plaza to the twin towers at 7.30am. Very semangat, we were early, and so we thought. When we reached the ticket booth, it ain't open yet, but you wouldn't believe it, there's already like 5 rows lining up. Put it this way, one row 20 people, 5 rows??? 100...woo hoo.. And majority of the people in the crowd, again the word "majority", are from Aussie, the States, Germany, Sri Lanka, India, China.... and I think it's only me and my mum who are Malaysians there :]

We lined up, when the counter opened, the 9 am ticket were all given out. Oh by the way, the ticket is free of charge and there's like 1700 tickets to be given out a day. Not sure whether they open on weekdays though. When it's our turn, we got the 10.30 am ticket instead. Well, lesson to be learnt: there's no need to follow the queue when it is long, you can always come back later, and find the line shorter, way much shorter, saves more time!!!

We happily came back at 10.20 am, as asked, and watched a 7 minutes 3D video about Petronas (and its petroleum) Then we were brought up to the skybridge using a lift. One fun fact: the bridge was at the 41th floor, and the lift took 41 seconds to reach to the floor. Superbly Hi-tech rite...

Well if you are scared of heights, just gather your courage and visit it at least once. It is something we should have at least done in our life. Or more of, in a Malaysian's life. hehe


excalade89 said...

Heyy :) I like your 1st photo. What camera did you used?

iewnihc said...

just a normal olympus Vic... =]