My memoirs...

And of course... there's always some unforgetable moments...
I won't say who did it... you'll all know it yourselves..

.. times when..
  • "a gush of wind" blew at us... and we just have no idea whether to laugh or not...
  • we "referred" to each others work...
  • we sang in class. Each sang a sentence, that was fun!!! ~Without any professional trainings ...
  • we only know and sing those old songs like Quando, Quando, Quando... larger than life.. hit me baby one more time...
  • I force myself into your house and allow to donate my blood to the mosquitos.
  • I laughed non-stop, and you all had to stopped me... paiseh ar
  • someone kept persuading us to watch his concert and still is...
  • some out-of-selangor kid wants to make a joke but simply the whole class just don't get it
  • someone sms-ed late night just to say he is scared of ghost... hahaha
  • you syok sendiri, and I had to find a hide-out at times
  • you ask me to stop speaking in mandarin, but I still refused to...
  • you ask me:"Did you remember what you just said or not..."
  • we run out of class just to grab some snacks
  • you want to prove that your Beijing slang is really cool
  • you pms almost everytime out of no reason
  • you start crapping, and I just had no idea whether to listen to you at all or not
  • you kept begging us to have a facebook account...
  • you brought us MALTESERS.... I loved them
  • I laughed... because you really looked like Barney
  • you jabbed the knife into my arm and finger-cuffed me
  • I smelled BBQ taugeh
  • we ran out of class to sunway pyramid!!!
  • you hide your bf's pic out of my sight... too bad I saw it...
  • your pants tore, and I just can't stop laughing even now!!!
  • the green snake fell from the tree during our visit to the zoo
  • you blow the whistle and coolly said ok... next question
  • you're like a mother to us, explain step by step on complex number, over and over again
  • you say:" I don't know this, it is not in the syllabus. You want to know you ask your bio lecturer lar... We don't have time to learn extra things..."
  • we named someone YB
  • someone planned the experiment where they will be putting the spirit metil into a tin of water to boil it. Not sure what will happen if we really carried that out...
  • whose cat die weyyyy

There's just so many... PM12-iers... and the lecturers of course... you guys will always be in my heart...


lilianw said...

Ha Ha mothers always kaypoh their kids' activities! Tat's why I read blogs: they reveal so much about their inner self! It's only now I knoe PM12 has
- talented musician, dancer, teachers, poets,etc.

Yah loh, A level is really like torture - but the saying goes that 'When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!' So look at it as boot camp..

My confession: I really enjoyed teaching your class 'cos :
- eager to learn (or at least have to right?);
- quite obedient and innocent (or seem to be)
- you help and support each other all the time (partners in crime?)
-Melvin calling me Mummy ! Like it or not, its actually a compliment!

Days when I feel like tearing my hair out:
- cos yu are all talking at the same time
-Wolf and the boys rough housing and being too rambunctious!
-not completing your work when its for your own good!
-always disturbing Chong Yi, but then again....

So I guess I will miss all of you..regret I cant go to Redang with you much as I would like to cos timing is Just not to be responsible for my kids too. Maybe Wolf can arrange another outing...

So, my heartfelt wish is for you fellas to always do yur best in whatever you have to do, have compassion for everyone and be positive always! All the best in your exams!!

Ms Wee
(on Mother's Day! what did you do?)

lilianw said...

Ha Ha mothers always kaypoh their kids' activities! Tat's why I read blogs: they reveal so much about their inner self! It's only now I knoe PM12 has
- talented musician, dancer, teachers, poets,etc.

Yah loh, A level is really like torture - but the saying goes that 'When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!' So look at it as boot camp..

My confession: I really enjoyed teaching your class 'cos :
- eager to learn (or at least have to right?);
- quite obedient and innocent (or seem to be)
- you help and support each other all the time (partners in crime?)
-Melvin calling me Mummy ! Like it or not, its actually a compliment!

Days when I feel like tearing my hair out:
- cos yu are all talking at the same time
-Wolf and the boys rough housing and being too rambunctious!
-not completing your work when its for your own good!
-always disturbing Chong Yi, but then again....

So I guess I will miss all of you..regret I cant go to Redang with you much as I would like to cos timing is Just not to be responsible for my kids too. Maybe Wolf can arrange another outing...

So, my heartfelt wish is for you fellas to always do yur best in whatever you have to do, have compassion for everyone and be positive always! All the best in your exams!!

Ms Wee
(on Mother's Day! what did you do?)

iewnihc said...

Miss Lilian!!!

Whoa... at first I saw lilian, was thinking why my friend wrote about PM12...

Yeap... agree... my mum kept bugging me to teach her how to view my blog at her workplace...She's "a bit" the not an IT person..

My Mother's Day is always a combination of Father's Day too... not that there's no budget or something hehe... My dad's birthday is on the 10th of May so it's always close.
Went for dinner with my relatives...had a good chat, and laughs.

Before this, I delivered flowers to my aunts. Ladybirds again... Just to thank them for taking great care of me since young. Carina (my bro's gf) renewed my mom's ladybirds... made my mom happy again! My conclusion: It's good to have a florist close to you..

All right then!!! gotta resume my work... One and a half months more... and it's done!!! See you soon Ms. Lilian!!!

p/s: the leaves you asked me about... they are tea leaves... I'll pass you a name card as soon as it is done!

the one and only
Chin Wei

lilianw said...

Here's a joke (lame)
A little girl notices that her uncle is busy preparing omelette for breakfast and asks, whos that for?
He says: Its for your aunt 'cos its Mother's Day today!
She: Does that mean its Father's Day every other day???
You get the idea...!! Thanks again for the lovely ladybird flowers.

youroldbean said...

nice joke..... i think
now i regret never doing homework in AS... and A2 as well

iewnihc said...

lol... good