16-19 June '08
We talked about it half way studying for Trials... Time flies... slipping away from our hands... Looking back at Redang trip now, it's like so long ago.
Waited for our chartered bus at Taylor's Business School at 10 pm.
Shouldn't bother waiting there so early, M'sians are just so fashionably late.
Departed Subang at 11 pm...
Reached the jetty at around 7.30am. Yup it's Nikki!!! Surprisingly she agreed to join my class trip... Miracles do occur...
Waited till 9 am for the boat to come...
Finally reached Redang! woohoo... Look at the sea, still can smell the salty taste in the air. Just loved it… ahh…
Laguna!!! Did not get to get a taste of haven, too pricey… stayed at Redang Bay instead. Besides the fried fish and Wernny’s bed, everything was pretty awesome…
There’s 2 snorkelling sessions per day. Making it 5 times during our 4 days 3 nights stay at Redang. And we had an extra one, at Redang, to see baby sharks.
Did not know we must do a short ritual before jumping in…
Managed to get Samuel to be our sandman. Stared at this pic for quite some time, thinking what is that white thing poking out… Ahh, it’s the dead coral, as Samu’s nipple, kekekeke…
Haha… Samu’s horny look!!! Melvin seems happy touching IT!!! Girls beware! First, he talks about Chong Yi’s arse all the time. Second, he’s doing this to Samuel..
Guess too much of UV rays… Plus studying A Levels for one and a half years really get you a little cuckoo… (Notice my expression..lol)
Room 85! Our activity room.
Break into groups… Some played snap, some twister…
While waiting for the next round of twister, was busy learning how to hold Isabella… Wolf’s baby…
The one beside me… Andrew. The one who sort of help us settle things, after that dumped us aside for diving. Yeap, Isabella is the flute… Looks like a guy more than a girl to me…
Don’t I look like some orchestra performer?!As professional as I can be…
Should see when Adiel was still playing. Stuck his leg between my legs on purpose. Because of that, they call this game, Battle of the B**ches. And I won! That’s because I’m not a B, I kept going to a corner and let the rest B around and eventually they got tired and lost their balance… Or maybe I’m a B- B for Brainny!!!
Our rest area… hammocks all over…
Hamburger and mouse? ! Gee… who’s that?
Sort of drank beside the pool. Nadia: “OMG, don’t tempt me la…”
This is the place where Nikki, June and I went to chilled out between the snorkeling sessions. Redang Beach Resort. Very happening place, they have really good music at night. (Nik and June… What I did there, remains between your two ears ya… hehe)
Turtle… saw it from the boat! (Torte’s friend)

Hashim… using the comb as his mic. Final farewell speech. Boy, you really shocked me when you threw the coconut at Melvin… Yet it was hilarious!
Climbed to the top of the rocks… Lighted up candles and talked our hearts out.
We were quite bored when it comes to night. Practiced the song that I learnt years ago on the guitar that Andrew “borrowed” from the Burmese.
And as usual, Melvin will start seducing guys…
Love is in the air… Saw this on the way to our parrtaayyy…
Caught red handed again…
Went kayaking on the last day. Felt ecstatic after it…
Sand therapy… hehe
Our kingdom!!!
JH’s turtle… Em.. Laying eggs…

Due to the harsh climate at Redang. Many of us experienced natural selection. These are the fittess, who managed to crawl out from the bed to watch sun rise.
Who wouldn’t wish to stay longer?
The _ s….
Couldn’t figure out why Paul is under JH’s armpit… but yea.. enjoying our last moments at Redang Beach. I did the bubble effect! =]
Had a shot with Paul at More More Tea Inn… .
PM 12 ;P
Thanks for all the pics Paula… You’ve captured every moment…
I’ll be back soon…
Sorry no bikini… I looked sportier in this right? (Look at the clouds, looked like I’ve thoughts bubbling out…)